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The International competition of philological, culture and film studies works dedicated to Anton Chekhov’s life and creative work

For the 150th anniversary of Anton Chekhov’s birthday The International competition of philological, culture and film studies works dedicated to Anton Chekhov’s life and creative work

Informative support of the competition:
ICOS UNESCO “Information for All”(Russia)
Russian Guild of Film Historians and Film Critics
Russian Association for Film and Media Education

Taganrog State Pedagogical Institute announces the International competition of philological, culture and film studies works dedicated to the great Russian writer Anton Chekhov,whose literary works have influenced the world literature immensely.
Anton Chekhov’s creative work in all its plentitude is peculiar measurement of reality where “a man of culture” is revealed on all continents. Researches and interpretations of Anton Chekhov’s works represent not only broadening of aesthetical artistic space, but discover the very terms of humanity. “Chekhov’s world” is “a man’s of culture” of the XXI century self-consciousness and realization in practice. The aim of the international competition is to promote Anton Chekhov’s creative work popularization in the XXI century.

The international competition period it will take place is from the 1st of December 2008 till the 1st of December 2009. The competition is announced for the following nominations:

1.For the professionals: specialists in study of literature, philologists, specialists in culture studies, film historians and critics, other specialists in the humanities.

2. For post-graduate students in the humanities.

3. For higher education establishments’ students.

The following kinds of published and unpublished works are accepted for every nomination;
- monographs;
- educational supplies;
- scientific collections;
- articles;
- reviews on documentary and feature films (screen versions of Anton Chekhov’s works and films about his life and creative work).

On every nomination three prizes are awarded, in addition, there are some encouraging prizes.
Original works dedicated to Anton Chekhov’s life and creative work, carried out on high scientific level and in accordance with the principal requirements for scientific publications are allowed to compete. They could be written and published in various years. Such published earlier works as monographs, educational supplies, scientific collections, articles and reviews in Russian, English, French, German, Spanish, Ukrainian and Belarusian are admitted.
Manuscripts of articles and reviews, which hadn’t been published before, are allowed to compete only in Russian.

Manuscripts and published works sent for the international competition are not given back to the owners.

Students’ and post-graduate students’ works should be accompanied by the scientific supervisors’ reviews with the indication of their scientific degrees, ranks and the names of educational institutions where the works were fulfilled.

Such genres of fiction as novels, stories, plays, films and film scripts are not allowed to compete

Summing up will take place in December 2009 - January 2010 years. For the competition 1 copy of the work should be sent (published copy or manuscript; computer versions of articles and reviews are also admitted) to the following address:

Scientific Centre on Anton Chekhov’s creative work investigation, literature department,
Taganrog State Pedagogical Institute,
Iniciativnaya Street, 48,
Taganrog, Rostov Region,
347936, Russia

Ceremonial delivery of diplomas and prizes to the winners of the International competition of philological, culture and film studies works dedicated to Anton Chekhov’s life and creative work will take place at the great writer’s Motherland – Taganrog - on his 150th anniversary on January 29, 2010.

The winners’ articles and reviews will be published in the jubilee collection dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Anton Chekhov’s birthday.

The best stories:
The Cherry Orchard
Lady with Lapdog
Uncle Vanya
Ward Six
Death of a Government Clerk
The Steppe




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