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G.M. Lintvarev, pianist. 1880-s. This photo is in Chekhov's museum in the city of Sumy
G.M. Lintvarev, pianist. 1880-s. This photo is in Chekhov's museum in the city of Sumy

Chekhov's museum in the city of Sumy (Ukraine)

Chekhov's museum in the city of Sumy (Ukraine)

Opened on the 29th of January in 1960 in the former Homestead Lintvarevyh where Chekhov's family conducted in the summer months 1888-1889g.g .. Chekhov's friends went here: publicist Plescheev, Barantsevich, publisher Suvorin. Summer 1889 was overshadowed by the death of his brother-writer Nicholas says.

Chekhov in the city of Sumy (Ukraine)
In the upper row (from the left to the right): I.P. Chekhov, M.P. Chekhov; in the lowr row: E. Ya. Chekhova, M.P. Chekhova, M.R. Semashko in the farmstead of Lintvarevs "Luka", on a porch of a big outhouse, where they moved to from the small outhouseat the instance of E. Ya. Chekhova at once after the death of N.P. Chekhov.

Ukraine is the second country was founded. His grandmother on the father's side E. Shimko was an Ukrainian girl; During childhood (Taganrog), his speech highlighted in the house of Chekhov's. Children listened Ukrainian songs played at home drama "about the Chupruna Chuprunihu."

As writer, Chekhov elected "wide-leaf Ukraine place summer holidays, and visited Harkovskuyu Poltavskuyu province. In Lviv acquired writer T. Shevchenko in the Ukrainian language. Song motives ( "Not zhenisya at bogatiy") reflected in the novel "Three years." In 1888-89 years Chekhov vacationed in Sumah : traveling, watching people's lives, worked on the prose and dramaturgiey (stories "Nepriyatnost, Krasavitsy" comedy "Tragik necessarily"). Sumy's impression used in stories "Name", "tedious history" plays "Leshy" and "The Seagull"

SumyDevelopment interest in Ukrainian culture helped the family Lintvarevyh : their ancestors on friendly terms with the philosopher G. Skovorodoy, highly of Kobzarem. The allure of Ukraine expressed its desire to acquire a writer farm Poltava province, a friend of the Ukrainian intelligentsia leaders, in particular with actress Maria Zankovetskoy; Chekhov called her talent "had come" and praised the role Haritiny (Naymichka "Karpenko-Karogo). A Zankovetskaya was one of proobrazov Nina Zarechnoy ( "The seagull").

The best stories:
The Cherry Orchard
Lady with Lapdog
Uncle Vanya
Ward Six
Death of a Government Clerk
The Steppe




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